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    사회복지 프로그램개발과 평가, 청목출판사, 2008
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    노후 소득수준이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 준거집단의 상대소득 효과를 중심으로, 한국노년학 39권1호, 한국노년학회, 2018
    노인가구의 경제적 변인이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 생명연구46, 생명문화연구소, 2017
    경제적 요인이 한부모가구의 생활만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 건강수준의 조절효과를 중심으로, 사회복지정책43, 한국사회복지정책학회, 2016
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    지역사회복지론(공저) 2021. 사회평론
    다시 촛불이 묻는다: 포스트코로나 시대의 사회경제 혁 (공저) 2021. 동녘
  • 대표 논문
    김형용(2023). 사회복지사 노동시장의 미스매치와 전문성의 제약: 한국과 미국의 사회복지사 산업·교육·자격제도 비교. 한국사회복지행정학, 81. 23-51

    김형용(2023). 노인 자살률은 왜 감소하고 있는가? 주요 사회보장제도의 보장성 확대를 중심으로. 한국사회복지조사연구, 76, 65-92.

    김형용 외(2020). 긴축의 시대, 사회적 돌봄은 어떻게 해체되는가? - 영국 보수-자민 연정 이후의 변화를 중심으로. 사회복지정책 47(2). 59~85

    김형용 외(2020). 뉴노멀 시대의 나눔영역 개발: 코로나 19 사회이슈에 대응하는 나눔영역 제안. 한국사회복지행정학 22(4). 97-124.

    Kim, H.(2018). The Effects of Social Capital on Collective Action for Community Development. Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI Indexed), 46(6). 1011-1028.
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    Hong, S.-I. 외 (2021).Examining the Influence of Social Interactions and Community Resources on Caregivers' Burden in Stroke Settings: A Prospective Cohort Study. 18(23), 12310
    홍송이 외 (2021) 노인인권의식 척도 타당도 연구. 한국범죄심리연구. 17(1), 223-226.
    홍송이 외(2021) 노인의 학대에 대한 인식이 학대대응태도에 미치는 영향. 한국치안행정학회. 18(3), 259-281.
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    University of Southern California 사회복지학 박사
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  • 대표 논문
    Song, A., Yoon, Y.* (2024). Intimate partner violence in the time of COVID-19: An investigation into housing density and number of rooms as contributing factors. Asian Social Work and Policy Review.

    Kim, K., Yoon, Y., Shin, S.(2024). Explainable prediction of problematic smartphone use among South Korea’s children and adolescents using a machine learning approach. International Journal of Medical Informatics. [2023 IF: 4.90]

    Lee, S., Yoon, Y.* (2024). Mechanistic examination of why caregiver strain undermines quality of life: unravelling the roles of mental health symptoms and social participation. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. [2022 IF: 1.43]

    박주애, 윤여원* (2024). 아동청소년 유해콘텐츠 접촉유형과 사이버불링 가해: 학교급별 유해콘텐츠 접촉경험의 잠재프로파일(LPA) 유형을 중심으로. 청소년학연구.

    Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Duan, L., & Lee, J.O.(2023). Intergenerational continuity of childhood adversity and its underlying mechanisms among teen mothers and their offspring, Child maltreatment. [2022 IF: 5.1]

    Lee, J.O., Yoon, Y., Duan, L., Oxford, M.L., & Cederbaum, J.A. (2023). The influences of children’s and maternal childhood adversity on externalizing problem in early adolescence. The Journal of Early Adolescence. [2022 IF: 2.41]

    Hoang, V.T., Jeon, H.J., You,E.S., Yoon, Y., Jung, S., & Lee, O.J. (2023). Graph representation learning and its applications: A survey, Sensors. [2022 IF: 3.9]

    신수민, 윤여원* (2023). 뉴스 빅데이터를 활용한 저출산 및 출산율의 키워드 트렌드 분석. 한국가족복지학.

    박주애, 윤여원* (2023). 잠재계층분석을 이용한 한국 청소년 사이버불링 가해행태 분석. 한국범죄심리연구.

    Yoon, Y.* (2022). Time dimension of childhood adversities and externalizing behavior among children of teen mothers: Sensitive period hypothesis vs. accumulation hypothesis. Child maltreatment. [2021 IF: 3.95]

    Cederbaum, J.A., Yoon, Y., Lee, J.O., Desai, M., Brown, K., & Clark, L. (2022) AIM for Teen Moms: Social Support’s Role in Contraception Use Among Mothers. Journal of Adolescent Health. [2021 IF: 7.83]

    Song, A., Yoon, Y., Cho, Y. (2022). The association between polyvictimization in childhood and intimate partner violence and child abuse in adulthood. Journal of interpersonal violence [2021 IF: 6.14]

    Lee, J.O.,§ Yoon, Y.,§ Idrisov, B.§, Kiriazova, T., Makarenko, O., Sereda, Y., & Lunze, K. (2021). Violence, HIV risks, and polysubstance use among HIV-positive people who inject drugs in Ukraine. AIDS and behavior. [2020 IF: 3.89]
    § Equally contributed to this work

    Yoon, Y.,* Lee, J.O., Cho, J., Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Riggs, N.R., & Leventhal, A.M. (2019). Association of cyberbullying involvement with subsequent substance use among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. [2018 IF: 4.02]

    Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Stone, M.D., Cho, J., Yoon, Y., Lee, J.O., & Leventhal, A.M. (2019). Poly-product drug use disparities in adolescents of lower socioeconomic status: Emerging trends in nicotine products, marijuana products, and prescription drugs. Behaviour research and therapy. [2018 IF: 4.30]

    Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Mennen, F.E., Traube, D.E., Chou, C.P., Lee, J.O. (2019). Child Abuse & Neglect. [2018 IF: 2.84]

    Lee, J.O., Jones, T.M., Yoon, Y., Hackman, D.A., Yoo, J.P., Kosterman, R. (2019). Young adult unemployment and later depression and anxiety: does childhood neighborhood matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence. [2018 IF: 3.25]

    Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Schwartz, A. (2018). Childhood sexual abuse and current suicidal ideation among adolescents: Problem-focused and emotional-focused coping skills. Journal of Adolescence. [2017 IF: 1.86]

    Kwak, J.Y. Kim, J.Y., Yoon, Y. (2018). Effect of parental neglect on smartphone addiction in adolescents in South Korea. Child Abuse & Neglect. [2017 IF: 2.89]

    Lee, J.O., Cho, J.., Yoon, Y., Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Leventhal, A.M. (2018). Developmental pathways from parental socioeconomic status to adolescent substance use: Alternative and complementary reinforcement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. [2017 IF: 3.24]
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    장애인복지론, 사회복지와문화다양성
  • 대표 논문
    Lee, E., & Williams, J. M. (2023). Life satisfaction and depression among older adults during COVID-19: Examining awareness and use of community mental health welfare centers. Journal of Social Service Research, 49(6), 653-664.

    Lee, E., & Prost, S. G. (2023). Examining awareness of social services and the relationship between social participation and social service use among older adults. Journal of Social Service Research, 49(3), 323-332.

    Lee, E. (2022). Perceptions of caregiving for people living with dementia and help‐seeking patterns among prospective Korean caregivers in Canada. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(6), e4885-e4893.

    Prost, S.G. & Lee, E. (2022). Symptom agreement between patients and their peer caregivers in prison. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 28(5), 349-357.

    Lee, E., & Williams, J. M. (2022). Examining coping skills as a mediating factor in perceived stress and life satisfaction: A comparison between minority and nonminority older adults. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 95(1), 72-90.

    Lee, E., Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Durepos, P., McCleary, L., Wickson- Griffiths. & Biman, R. (2020). The Relationship Between Caregivers’ Perceptions of End-of-Life Care in Long-Term Care and a Good Resident Death. Palliative & Supportive Care.

    Sussman, T., Kaasalainen, S., Lee, E., Akhtar-Benesh, N., Strachan, P., Brazil, K., Bonifas, R., Bourgeois-Guérin, V., Durivage, P., Papaioannou, A., & Young, L. (2019). Condition-Specific Pamphlets to Improve End-of-life Communication in Long-Term Care (LTC): Staff Perceptions on Usability and Use. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA).

    Lee, E. (2019). Linguistic Support Services for Immigrant Domestic Violence Victims. Journal of Social Service Research.

    Lee, E. (2018). The Cultural Competency Scale for Working with Asian American: Development of Validation. Research on Social Work Practice.