대표 논문
Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Duan, L., & Lee, J.O.(2024). Intergenerational continuity of childhood adversity and its underlying mechanisms among teen mothers and their offspring, Child maltreatment. [2022 IF: 5.1]
Song, A., Yoon, Y.* (2024). Intimate partner violence in the time of COVID-19: An investigation into housing density and number of rooms as contributing factors. Asian Social Work and Policy Review.
Lee, S., Yoon, Y.* (2024). Mechanistic examination of why caregiver strain undermines quality of life: unravelling the roles of mental health symptoms and social participation. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. [2022 IF: 1.43]
Kim, K., Yoon, Y., Shin, S.(2024). Explainable prediction of problematic smartphone use among South Korea’s children and adolescents using a machine learning approach. International Journal of Medical Informatics. [2023 IF: 4.90]
박주애, 윤여원* (2024) COVID-19 전후에 나타난 청소년 정신건강 문제와 사이버불링의 구조적 관계. 한국치안행정논집.
박주애, 윤여원* (2024). 아동청소년 유해콘텐츠 접촉유형과 사이버불링 가해: 학교급별 유해콘텐츠 접촉경험의 잠재프로파일(LPA) 유형을 중심으로. 청소년학연구.
Lee, J.O., Yoon, Y., Duan, L., Oxford, M.L., & Cederbaum, J.A. (2023). The influences of children’s and maternal childhood adversity on externalizing problem in early adolescence. The Journal of Early Adolescence. [2022 IF: 2.41]
박주애, 윤여원* (2023). 잠재계층분석을 이용한 한국 청소년 사이버불링 가해행태 분석. 한국범죄심리연구.
Hoang, V.T., Jeon, H.J., You,E.S., Yoon, Y., Jung, S., & Lee, O.J. (2023). Graph representation learning and its applications: A survey, Sensors. [2022 IF: 3.9]
신수민, 윤여원* (2023). 뉴스 빅데이터를 활용한 저출산 및 출산율의 키워드 트렌드 분석. 한국가족복지학.
Yoon, Y.* (2022). Time dimension of childhood adversities and externalizing behavior among children of teen mothers: Sensitive period hypothesis vs. accumulation hypothesis. Child maltreatment. [2021 IF: 3.95]
Cederbaum, J.A., Yoon, Y., Lee, J.O., Desai, M., Brown, K., & Clark, L. (2022) AIM for Teen Moms: Social Support’s Role in Contraception Use Among Mothers. Journal of Adolescent Health. [2021 IF: 7.83]
Song, A., Yoon, Y., Cho, Y. (2022). The association between polyvictimization in childhood and intimate partner violence and child abuse in adulthood. Journal of interpersonal violence [2021 IF: 6.14]
Lee, J.O.,§ Yoon, Y.,§ Idrisov, B.§, Kiriazova, T., Makarenko, O., Sereda, Y., & Lunze, K. (2021). Violence, HIV risks, and polysubstance use among HIV-positive people who inject drugs in Ukraine. AIDS and behavior. [2020 IF: 3.89]
§ Equally contributed to this work
Yoon, Y.,* Lee, J.O., Cho, J., Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Riggs, N.R., & Leventhal, A.M. (2019). Association of cyberbullying involvement with subsequent substance use among adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. [2018 IF: 4.02]
Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Stone, M.D., Cho, J., Yoon, Y., Lee, J.O., & Leventhal, A.M. (2019). Poly-product drug use disparities in adolescents of lower socioeconomic status: Emerging trends in nicotine products, marijuana products, and prescription drugs. Behaviour research and therapy. [2018 IF: 4.30]
Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Mennen, F.E., Traube, D.E., Chou, C.P., Lee, J.O. (2019). Child Abuse & Neglect. [2018 IF: 2.84]
Lee, J.O., Jones, T.M., Yoon, Y., Hackman, D.A., Yoo, J.P., Kosterman, R. (2019). Young adult unemployment and later depression and anxiety: does childhood neighborhood matter? Journal of Youth and Adolescence. [2018 IF: 3.25]
Yoon, Y.,* Cederbaum, J.A., Schwartz, A. (2018). Childhood sexual abuse and current suicidal ideation among adolescents: Problem-focused and emotional-focused coping skills. Journal of Adolescence. [2017 IF: 1.86]
Kwak, J.Y. Kim, J.Y., Yoon, Y. (2018). Effect of parental neglect on smartphone addiction in adolescents in South Korea. Child Abuse & Neglect. [2017 IF: 2.89]
Lee, J.O., Cho, J.., Yoon, Y., Bello, M.S., Khoddam, R., Leventhal, A.M. (2018). Developmental pathways from parental socioeconomic status to adolescent substance use: Alternative and complementary reinforcement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. [2017 IF: 3.24]